About me

I have been photographing for many years. I started a little more seriously when the digital age started because it was no longer so costly and time consuming to develop analog image rolls. In 2003 Canon came with its EOS 300D, then I put my analog EOS 300 on the shelf and there it is still, it is actually my partner’s analog camera, but it is just as well on the shelf. Before I bought the 300D, I had a couple of smaller compactors called semipro cameras that you could make some manual settings on. At the time, these little ones worked relatively well but can not be compared to today’s cameras. I have since then harvested a number of different digital SLR cameras from both Canon and Nikon. At the moment I take photos with the Canon EOS 5D Mk IV with slightly different optics and a Canon 7d Mk II. I use the compact cameras mainly for macro photography and at work as a documentation camera, it is important for me to always have some kind of camera near me.
Until a couple of years ago, I took photos and wrote for some newspapers, which I have now largely stopped using for a few different reasons, and it did not appeal to me much to go out and photograph a picture of e.g. a building to quickly get home and write something about this with such a short time frame that you barely have time to think about how you want the image of the building. I would like to spend more time on the picture itself instead of the news that will be published in a hurry.
There have been a lot of sports and motorsport pictures through the ages, much due to the fact that I have an interest in motors since before. However, I feel that the real interest in motors has diminished, but I love to photograph motorsports and sports of all kinds. I have always been interested in herptiles (frog & reptiles) which has made me photograph a lot of snakes, frogs and spiders and other reptiles (spider is not an reptile).
This was a bit about my photographic background which usually made me associate my photography with my other interests in all possible ways.
/Magnus Eriksson